Written by: Amy Gray
This month we are honoring 350 Colorado co-founder and the chair of our Board of Directors since our inception in 2013 – Gina Hardin. Gina has been a force of nature as our board President for 6 years, serving as a dedicated and fierce advocate for our organization. Over the years she has hosted monthly board calls, weekend-long convergences, strategy sessions, and fundraisers, as well as speaking on behalf of our organization at numerous legislative hearings and other events.
Gina is a long-time activist; a non-practicing attorney; new grandmother of Ayla; and an Airbnb host. She loves alpine and nordic skiing, backpacking, biking, water, and mountains. She is inspired by her never-ending awe of nature. As a founder of and lawyer for Ratepayers United of Colorado, she represented Xcel ratepayers’ interest in clean renewable energy at the lowest possible long term cost. As Chair of Colorado Common Cause, she was a leader in the effort to limit big money in politics through the passage of Amendment 65 and for open and accountable government, so critical to her current effort to limit the severity of climate change.
We are all so grateful for Gina’s generous spirit, leadership and her dedication to our organization and to the climate movement. As Gina prepares to finally take a break from her role as Board Chair (short-term we hope), we all say “Thank you for being a stalwart leader, Gina! We are so grateful for all you have done to make our state and world a better place!”