Community Fruit Rescue350 Colorado is supportive of projects promoting local, organic food because we know that our conventional farming and global food system contribute significant amounts of greenhouse gases into the the atmosphere exacerbating climate change – some say as much as 19-30% of total carbon emissions!  Growing more of our food locally and without petro-chemical fertilizers and herbicides is healthier for our bodies, gentler on our planet, builds a more resilient community to climate and fossil fuel price shocks, and helps us transition off fossil-fueled food system.  

350 Boulder County is part of Making Local Food Work and the Boulder Edible Landscaping Working Group. Email Micah(at) if you would like to join the Edible Landscaping team! We’ll share more info on these groups soon, but here is one of our most recent projects…

Community Fruit Rescue – 350 Boulder is really excited about this project because it’s a way to meet many goals at once – we’re building a stronger sense of community, we’re promoting eating locally and hence reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with bringing food in from halfway around the world, we’re protecting wildlife by reducing the temptations for bears to come into town, and we’re getting food that would otherwise be wasted to people who need it.  It’s a win-win all the way around and we’re thrilled to be a part of it!  

Read more here in the Daily Camera, Aug. 24, 2014
Photo Credit Paul Aiken, Daily Camera
