Please keep the movement growing!
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Hi friends,
You are reading this letter at a super exciting moment in history. You are part of a movement that can and will save the planet, our only home, for ourselves and the seventh generation and beyond-—if we keep merging our energies and resources. We are in this together, because NOBODY can escape climate change.
When I moved from New Orleans to Boulder eight years ago, in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, I expected the safety and calm of “higher grounds.” No such luck. Within a few short years, Colorado’s worst wildfire and a hundred year flood had me and my neighbors on evacuation notice again and again. Climate change is here, and everyone is feeling it.
Dire news about climate catastrophes abounds. But so does news of our, the climate movement’s, successes. Together, we made Shell turn away from drilling in the Arctic, we convinced President Obama to finally deny the permit for the keystone XL Pipeline, we prompted universities and other major funds to divest from fossil fuels.
WE ARE ON A ROLL and will not be stopped!
Thanks to thousands of supporters like you, 350 Colorado is building the momentum to free Colorado from the dire environmental, health, and economic consequences of fossil fuel addiction. Time and time again this year, our collective boots have hit the streets demanding action to stop extreme energy development and transition to a clean energy future.
We know that we’re up against extremely wealthy, powerful interests whose greed demands we keep the status quo, and too few public officials are willing to stand against them. Meanwhile time is getting extremely tight for preventing catastrophic climate change. We are currently on track for a catastrophic 5 degrees of warming – committing our children to a world that is inhospitable to life as we know it. Scientists warn that we must keep global temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius to avoid many places on Earth becoming uninhabitable and small island nations and low-lying areas going underwater.
Global climate talks are happening in Paris, and countries around the world (including the US) have agreed to keep temperatures below 2 degrees C. To do that, 80% of proven fossil fuel reserves will have to be kept in the ground.
Promoting Solutions – Creating the Change
While we continue to demand meaningful action from global leaders, we know that the only way that things will change in the timeframe necessary is if the people—you and I—lead the way. That leadership looks like…
- Every one of us doing all we can to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels every day
- CU students organizing to get their university to divest from fossil fuels and individuals divesting because if it’s wrong to wreck the climate, it’s wrong to profit from that wreckage
- Hundreds of people in the streets holding our public officials accountable for promoting dirty, destructive industries and ignoring our communities’ democratic rights
- A mother and daughter chaining themselves to a makeshift fracking rig to demonstrate that they will not be complicit in the fracking of their land and livelihoods.
- Leadership looks like all of us giving our time and money to address the climate crisis now.
I am writing to you today to ask you to make a year end donation to support this kind of bold and multi-faceted climate leadership. 2016 is going to be a big year for the climate movement—it needs to be a big year. The temperature keeps rising. And so do the people.
Your donation helps our amazing volunteer organizers like Bob and Kay, artists in Coaldale (a beautiful spot in the middle of the state) speak truth to power, rally their friends and neighbors, organize climate forums and film screenings, join marches and protests like the People’s Climate March in New York in 2014, and help create a sustainable future for generations to come.
I’m proud to call Colorado home, and I envision a truly bright future for our state, which I know we can build together. Can you picture a Colorado powered entirely by renewable energy? I sure can—and your donation can help us make that dream a reality.
That’s why I’m writing to you today to ask you to make a gift to 350 Colorado. Let’s make the transition away from fossil fuels as fast as we possibly can. With your support, we can amplify our voices more than ever and ensure a great future for generations of Coloradans. Thank you for being part of our movement.
In solidarity,
Micah Parkin
Executive Director
P.S. Help us curb the harmful addiction to fossil fuels. Please click here to make a secure donation online today! Or make your check payable to “350 Colorado” and mail to 2861 Ellison Place, Boulder, CO 80304. Thank you!