Why was long-time CU researcher Detlev Helmig suddenly fired when his company tried to provide timely fracking monitoring measurements to Broomfield?
The suspicious firing of CU climate researcher Detlev Helmig (click to read)
The article’s original title on InsideClimateNews.org “Detlev Helmig Was Frugal With Tax Dollars. Then CU Fired Him for Misusing Funds” outlines a complex situation but my personal conclusion is of a bad faith action by the university that is best explained if we assume that it was instigated and influenced by oil and gas forces, especially considering that to my knowledge there is no precedent where such a case could not have been resolved by rewriting a contract. Sadly, it may take a whistleblower to turn up proof as the expensive freedom of information request by attorney (and former State Representative) Joe Salazar has not yet been complied with.
Martin Voelker
PS: Insideclimatenews.org is a premier source for climate-related issues. I had the pleasure of meeting some of their staff at the United Nations COP 23 Climate Conference and highly recommend their website and email bulletins.