people in front of power plantToday and tomorrow (July 29-30) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is holding one of only four hearings across the nation to give the public an opportunity to provide feedback on the first-ever proposed federal limits on carbon pollution – the Clean Power Plan – which would reduce carbon dioxide emissions up to 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.  While we know that even stronger rules are needed, this is a vital first step for the EPA to reduce the carbon emissions overheating our planet.

Let’s show support for the Clean Power Plan and stronger action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions!  Help pack the EPA hearings and related events tomorrow and Wednesday!  


  • EPA HearingTues. and Wed. (July 29-30) 9am-8pm at the EPA Region 8 Building (1595 Wynkoop Street, Denver, CO 80202).  Please attend whenever you can wearing your 350 Colorado t-shirt to show support for others giving testimony.  Thanks to everyone who signed up to speak!  (The speaking slots are full, but you can still submit a written comment.)  Bobbie Mooney will speak on behalf of 350 Colorado Wed. between 6-8pm. We’d love to pack the room early tomorrow, so if you’re able, join our friends between 7-9am at the Alliance Center (1536 Wynkoop) to walk over.  (Contact if you want a 350 Colorado t-shirt.)
  • Clean Air Event & Press ConferenceTues., July 29th at 12noon at the Millennium Bridge – Let’s join with allied organizations for a noon press conference above a railroad with frequent coal trains to hear from parents, firefighters, health professionals, and other leaders why the Clean Power Plan is important for our communities. 
  • Local Source – Local Action Dinner Rally: Tues., July 29th at 5pm at The Alliance Center Parking Lot (1536 Wynkoop St., Denver, CO) Enjoy a local meal catered by Root Down while learning more about the impacts of and solutions to climate change.  Hosted by Sierra Club, Environment Colorado and Conservation Colorado.  

Please attend!  Thank you!
